Monday, March 28, 2011

cooking & baking: horror night

saturday we had this dinner-party thing, we made the best chicken salad ever, drank wine and baked a blueberry pie, which isn't in the photos though 'cause we (ilmari the photographer i mean) forgot to photograph it. and we told horror stories and i couldn't sleep 'cause i was so afraid of monsters when i came home.

awesome stuff, amazing friends and fun time. good things are happening. except that i just realized i don't have any cool clothes and i need to buy new ones. and win in the lottery.

plus my stress level came down 98% today.

Monday, March 7, 2011


bored, drinking juice. i should be studying, not blogging and tumblring. i need new clothes, and life. and a new camera too. and more coffee.

good monday

Friday, March 4, 2011

psychedelic party

we had a party. psychedelic party. without acid, just booze.

we had our party sunglasses (and scarves)

we danced (and looked awesome)

and we took photos
and ate lots of ice cream. and cookies. and cheese.

party was an awesome start for a winter-vacation. now we're all ready to start hardcore studying for our matriculation examinations. 

this week i've drank way too much, spent way too much of money, been way too inefficient and slept way too little. oh my. plus i broke my phone. but i bought some awesome clothes and now i'm happy. it's 6:40 am and i think i'll go to bed now. ok bye.